Web Performance Optimization
Maciej Klepaczewski
Maciej Klepaczewski
Web Performance Optimization
Hello, I’m Matt and I optimize websites for super fast load times.

I provide complete web performance optimization service and I can guarantee page load times below 2 seconds or less.
Ready to make your website super fast?


What I can do for you

Magento logo
Magento Optimization

Are clients abandoning your store because it's slow? Would you like it to load in 2 seconds? Or even 1 second? Have you installed FPC but it broke your site? Let me take care of this for you while you focus on running your business.

WordPress logo
Wordpress Optimization

You installed some of the performance plugins but your WordPress is still very slow? Caching doesn't work or it crashes your WordPress? Contact me now and soon you'll enjoy fast, stable website.

MySQL logo

MySQL is often the heart of a website - you want it to work perfectly. Configuring a database server is tricky, there are hundreds of settings you can adjust. This is where I come in. Usually, after I'm done MySQL runs 2x-100x faster.

Website Optimization logo
Website Optimization

I also optimize non-Magento / WordPress sites. If you want to improve page load time, get perfect GTMetrix / PageSpeed / Lighthouse scores, optimize Time To First Byte, SpeedIndex, images, implement caching or defer JavaScript - I can help you.

Bug hunting logo
Bug Hunting

Having trouble with a bug no one seems to be able to fix? Does it happen randomly, takes out your server and three developers already have failed to find it? Perfect, I love those bugs!

Mobile optimization logo
Mobile Device Optimization

Mobile is increasingly important, but mobile users are even pickier than desktop users. Your site might be fast, but is it fast enough for mobile users?